The Edinburgh Collage Collective and The Scandinavian Collage Museum join forces for an Open Submission Project called FEBRULLAGE!!
Februllage is an exiting creative Open Submission Project throughout the month of February.
We invite the wider collage community to join us to fill the days of February with collages - a collage a day for 28 days! You may use our daily word prompts by using our Official Prompt List Calendar. Different translations are free to download from https://www.edinburghcollagecollective.com/
Februllage will start from the 1st February!
To get involved, please tag us in or use the #februllage
Each day, through our social media channels, we will showcase as many collages as possible. Enjoy!!
Februllage Rules:
- Make a collage based on the daily prompt (analog or digital).
- Post it on instagram
- Hashtag it with #februllage and #februllage20XX (XX current year, for example #februllage2023
*You can set your own goal. For example, this can be one collage a day or three collages a week… the decision is entirely yours! Importantly, Februllage is about fun and collage, creativity and cutouts, inspiration and practise, dedication and challenge, it's for you!